This year the agency model must push past the executional. After years of racing to the commoditization of pricing, services, capabilities, and talent; the industry has been delivered a hard reset in the form of a global pandemic and growing data restrictions which should forever change the way think about our businesses. Together clients and their agencies are having to redefine ways of collaborating, communicating value to their customers, and building brand growth in a landscape shifting each day. There is no more room for the “us vs them” of years past. We must now focus on AND. Join this session to hear how media agency m/SIX and sister creative agency The&Partnership are working with brands to create new consumer-centric models to connect, communicate, and grow their business in the next age of accountability and addressability.
Andrew Bailey, Chief Executive Officer, North America, The&Partnership
Belinda Smith, Chief Executive Officer, Americas, m/SIX