Immersive Brand Moments: Designing Experiences That Captivate and Convert

In this ADWEEK House Group Chat presented by NCM, we'll engage in dynamic full-group discussion following a thought-provoking conversation-starter with industry leaders.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM

In today’s saturated marketing landscape, capturing consumers’ attention requires more than just a great ad—it demands memorable, immersive experiences. Hear how brands are creating top-notch experiential activations that not only capture attention but also create a lasting impact on consumers and drive measurable results for brands. From pop-up events and cinematic releases to interactive installations and virtual experiences, learn the secrets behind designing activations that resonate with audiences, amplifying brand stories, and moving the needle on key metrics. Leaders will share in best practices, case studies, and the latest trends in experiential marketing to help brands deliver unforgettable brand moments.