Taste of Brandweek: Effectively Diversifying Sales Channels to Scale Your Brand with RAILS
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM (EST)

As we navigate a rapidly shifting retail landscape, how does a brand weigh the pros and cons of investing in various sales channels? We invite you to join Jeff Abrams, Founder and Creative Director of the global lifestyle brand RAILS, to discuss a diversified approach to reaching consumers. Throughout 2020, RAILS saw a spike in growth among its e-commerce platform, opened its first brick-and-mortar, and continued to foster relationships among a network of more than 1,000 wholesale retailers. Throughout this session, Jeff will speak to the importance of investing in the right channels at the right time, in order to effectively scale one's brand.
*Available to VIP Pass holders only. Max capacity: 20
Session Type