Taste of Brandweek: Risk big, win big. Be brave, like Lume!
Monday, February 22, 2021
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (EST)

Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Lume Deodorant, Dr. Shannon Klingman has pioneered a new category in human hygiene, but not before her idea was pitched to and rejected by 5 leading CPG manufacturers. Come learn why a “NO” may lead to lost opportunity and why it’s important to fight for the innovators on your team. Being “better different” requires you to step way out of your “sea of sameness” comfort zone, but if viewed through the right lens, it’s a no brainer. Be brave like Lume. We go where no other deodorant has gone before
*Available to VIP Pass holders only. Max capacity: 20
Session Type