Friday, September 16, 2022
3:40 PM - 4:00 PM
Web3 and Its Skeptics - Inviting ALL to the Table in Order to Make Real Progress
So many people are actively seeking a clearer understanding of Web3 and why it matters. This is at a time when the Web3 community has become one large echochamber leaving many who are curious without a voice that they can trust and often feeling excluded. According to The Next 20: WEB3 study published by Complex Collective in Spring 2022, 41% of BIPOC respondents said “no one” when asked who they trust most about web3.
This lively discussion will focus on ways to educate, entertain, amplify and increase the participation of diverse voices in Web3 and provides a sneak peek into our CONV3RGE experience launching in Washington DC in March of 2023.