Main Stage
Bypassing the Blast with Mailchimp
How AI and Data Makes for Better Marketing
Tuesday, July 11, 2023, 9:55 AM - 10:15 AM

Personalization is a key pillar in the intersection of e-commerce and marketing. And with the rise of AI, brands of all sizes need to ensure they have access to and understand how to apply good data to create an enhanced and personalized customer experience at scale.

Adweek is joined by Kenneth Chestnut, Head of Ecosystem at Mailchimp and Emily Ryan, Co-Founder at Westfield Creative and Mailchimp Pro Partner to explore how data and AI can make a more personalized experience for marketers and small business owners, as well as customers. Learn more about the tools available in market that can help bolster email marketing strategies to encourage strong loyalty and repeat shopping with consumers.

Kenneth Chestnut Emily Ryan Chris Ariens