Wesley Bonner
Senior Vice President, Marketing & Audience Development
Bustle Digital Group
Wesley oversees Marketing and Audience Development at BDG. His teams focus on audience growth and diversity, social strategy, sales support, and content discovery.
Prior to Elite Daily's acquisition by BDG, he served as the brand's General Manager where he also oversaw social media strategy, partnerships, and distribution.
Previously, Wesley was the Director of Content Operations at Condé Nast, working closely within the digital teams of all 23 brands in Condé's portfolio, specifically in the areas of digital content production and distribution strategies.
Prior to Elite Daily's acquisition by BDG, he served as the brand's General Manager where he also oversaw social media strategy, partnerships, and distribution.
Previously, Wesley was the Director of Content Operations at Condé Nast, working closely within the digital teams of all 23 brands in Condé's portfolio, specifically in the areas of digital content production and distribution strategies.