In-Person Workshop (Leadenhall): The Social Media Cheat Sheet With Sprout Social

Mapping Out a Successful Social Strategy

Tuesday, October 10, 2023, 12:10 PM - 12:40 PM

Every marketer knows the importance of a strong social presence, but how do you actually achieve it? Brand teams need to be ready to manage everything from customer care and community to the overall marketing strategy, and understanding how to navigate the challenges and complexities of the social landscape as it is constantly evolving is key.

Featuring exclusive insights from the 2023 Sprout Social Index and guidance from social media expert Matt Navarra, this workshop is designed to help you get the most out of social media through the most comprehensive look at the world of social media this year. This can’t miss session will explore data from a global sample of marketers and consumers alike, as well as tried and tested strategies from industry leaders like Navarra and provide you with actionable tips you can start to use today to build upon your brand’s social media presence.

Cat Anderson Matt Navarra