Lisa Clunie
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Lisa Clunie is the co-Founder and CEO of JOAN - Adweek's Small Agency of the Year for 2022. JOAN is organized as a holding company and contains a creative agency, production studio and media company with offices in NY and London. Prior to launching JOAN in 2016, Lisa was the Chief Operating Officer for Refinery29. Lisa has held executive level positions at Ogilvy, Saatchi and Saatchi, Fallon and BBH and has overseen the growth of clients as diverse as S&P Global, HP, Barclays, American Express, Unilever, Georgia-Pacific, Facebook, Google, Netflix, Starbucks, and Time Magazine. Lisa has been named one of Adweekâs Disruptors for 2017, awarded the Female Frontier Award from Campaign Magazine in 2018, Agency Executive of the Year from Campaign Magazine, Notable Leaders in New York by Crains and is a frequent speaker and contributor on brand building in the digital age.