How Brands Can Succeed in Organic Social
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
4:15 PM - 4:40 PM (GMT)

* Open to Premium Pass holders
In this session Alex Wade, Head of Digital for Heinz, and Dan Fryer, Creative Director at VaynerMedia, unpack how a platform-first approach took Heinz from a throwaway comment on a podcast to product prototype in just 4 weeks, and how a strategic approach to organic social garned 6 million organic impressions across Twitter and TikTok, and can power your brand on social media alongside paid TTL media.
Attend this session and learn:
- How to apply the same strategic rigour to organic channels as you do to paid
- How to NOT make ads on TikTok
- How community management is just as important as kick-a**, contextually relevant creative ideas
Dan Fryer, Creative Director, VaynerMedia London
Alex Wade, Digital and Media Lead, Northern Europe, Kraft Heinz
Session Type