Monday, September 12, 2022
4:45 PM - 5:15 PM
From Pioneer to Leader: Building a Brand in a New Category (Tuttle, Lobby Level)
In 2014, Bronya Shillo launched Fishers Island Lemonade: a craft canned cocktail made of premium vodka, barrel-aged whiskey, honey and lemon. Now, as a pioneer turned leader in the ready-to-drink (RTD) category, Shillo, the Founder and CEO of Fishers Island Lemonade, will join us to discuss the brand's journey, from its humble beginnings as a signature cocktail of Fishers Island, NY, to weathering the ups and downs of trailblazing the once nonexistent canned cocktail category. She’ll also touch on the brand’s future as America's lemonade craft cocktail, a leader in the "most dynamic category" in the spirits industry.