Media Mavericks Unveiled: Exploring The Role of The Chief Media Officers In 2024
Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 10:25 AM - 10:50 AM

Let's get real about the role of the Chief Media Officer—or shall we say the new CMO. Amid technological advancements and shifting audience preferences, the Chief Media Officer stands as the keystone orchestrating strategic media initiatives. Delve into their multifaceted responsibilities, from anticipating trends to leveraging data analytics and AI, to cultivate audience engagement and brand resonance. Discover how the Chief Media Officer fosters cross-channel integration amidst media fragmentation, guiding organizations towards sustainable growth and relevance. Gain actionable insights to navigate the complexities of modern media stewardship, where the Chief Media Officer's role emerges as indispensable in shaping organizational trajectories amidst the relentless tide of change. 

Shenan Reed Brad Feinberg Travis Freeman John Terrana